Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Curriculum & Studies

Each subject is introduced to the each child based on their current level.
Please click here to get a more detailed look into our curriculum.











Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Food & Beverages

Water is available to the children at all times.

Each child is required to bring their own snack to eat together each day during group snack.

In the event of a birthday party, the parents of that child will provide the group snack for that day.

In the event of a holiday party, parents will be invited to pitch in with the teachers for snacks.

All dietary restrictions are recorded at signup and made aware to each family when providing group snack.

Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Health & Safety

All of the children wash their hands throughout the day, especially after using the private restroom and before snack time.

Tissues and hand sanitizer are readily available and we always instruct children to cough/sneeze into their sleeve so airborne germs don’t spread.

Any child running a fever or becoming ill at school will be required to return home so the rest of the children do not become infected. Children cannot attend school unless they have been fever-free or have not gotten physically sick for at least 24 hours.

We keep the outside door locked after drop off up until pick up to ensure the safety of the children.

Running is not permitted in the classroom and a first aid kit is on hand at all times.

Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Backpacks & Sharing

Each child must have the following in their backpack:
1. Change of clothes for the current season (in case of accident)
2. Large size backpack to take home papers and crafts

Children are invited to bring one item for sharing each day if they wish! We find it is a great introduction to public speaking! We have each child stand up to show their item to their classmates and give a brief description of the item.

Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Field Trips & Additional Activities

Once a month, we will walk the children over to the Carmel Clay Public Library since it is located right in our backyard! Together, they will have the opportunity to pick out new books for our classroom’s bookshelf!

Just before Winter Break, we invite the children and their families to join us at Conner Prairie for their Gingerbread Jamboree!

Additional activities pop up throughout the school year so keep an eye out for them in our monthly newsletters!

Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

School Programs & Holiday Fun

At the end of the Fall and Summer Semesters, we invite the families to join us for a sweet program that our students have worked on throughout the semester!

The end of semester programs are both our Christmas Party and End of the School Year Party!

When there is a holiday coming up, we make sure the kids create crafts that pertain to that holiday. We also read lots of books and sing songs that coincide.

Carmel Indiana Montessori School on Main Street, across from Carmel High School and next to Carmel Clay Public Library. Early childhood education preschool for ages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

School Pictures

“Miss Kat” with Katerina Marie Photography captures the annual student pictures as well as candid photos at majority of the parties. Once they are edited, the galleries are emailed to the parents so they can order downloads and prints if they’d like. No full face images of a child are shared on our website or social media without the permission of the parents.